• What Is a Fixed Index Annuity?

    The S&P 500 represents about 80% of the total market capitalization of large-cap U.S. stocks (market price per common share multiplied by the [...]

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    6 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Retired

    A recent retiree shares lessons learned late about saving money and spending time Everyone nearing retirement has a vision of what their road will be[...]

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    10 Retirement Planning Mistakes People Make at 50

    Take inventory of your assets and your strategy, or you could regret it later Reaching age 50 is a milestone that most of us celebrate. Still, after [...]

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    8 Common Above-the-Line Deductions Anyone Can Claim

    Take these write-offs on your 1040, even if you don’t itemize your return Doing your taxes is a hunt for ways to minimize your income: The lower [...]

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    12 Things to Tell Your Kids About Your Money

    You don’t have to tell them some things, but others are very important You’ve probably taught your kids a whole bunch about money over the years,[...]

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    7 Things to Know About Appointing an Executor

    And 7 ways to make things easier for yours Have you found an executor (also known as a personal representative) to handle your affairs should you [...]

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    7 Money Leaks — and How to Plug Them

    These stealthy cash drainers could be costing you big bucks Yes, you can save a lot by cutting out the little pleasures in life. Nonessentials like [...]

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    Why Gen X Is Freaking Out About Retirement

    Facing an insecure financial future, America's 'neglected middle child' may have to chart a different path to post-work life For years, Mike Cundall [...]

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    5 Retirement Fears Keeping Us Up at Night

    Inflation, stock swings and more erode Americans’ confidence in future financial security When it comes to retirement readiness, many Americans are[...]

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    8 Ways to Recover Faster From a Disaster

    A little planning can ease the financial hardship You may not think a disaster can hit you, but a disaster of some sort can occur just about any [...]

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